What’s the deal with panty liners?

What’s the deal with panty liners?  They are horrible! Every time I wear one, it somehow ends up on my thigh, or sometimes it even ends up on my butt or lower back! LOL!  I don’t know if it’s because of my increased amount of sweat, or because they have minimal sticking power. Either way, I want a panty liner that can hold up to my expectations… maybe I should just put one on each inner thigh so my legs don’t get chafed when they rub together! Maybe that’s where they are really meant to go! A lot of women like to wear these during menopause because of the increased amount of sweat in that area, and they should really be able to withstand those conditions.  But they don’t. Why do I bother to use this less than perfect product? Read on to find out.

Sweat…isn’t it great? I have experienced night sweats and hot flashes lately so I went to my doctor Lisa to see if there’s anything else in the natural category that I should try before I die of night sweats.  I needed to have my annual examination anyway, so the timing worked out.  My blood tests showed that I still have estrodiol, (which is at perimenopause levels) but I basically have no progesterone (which is at a post menopause level).  Some doctors refer to this as estrogen dominance. In a perfect world, these two hormones should be in balance. Mine are not. We agreed that I should try natural progesterone cream to see if that might help. I ordered some online and received it a couple days later.

I started the cream last week and within 5 days, I started my period.  Not a little period, a full blown (had to go buy super plus tampons) period.  In my first blog I wrote that I had been without a period for 5 months and I was very confident that I was done. I was wrong.  I knew that I might have some spotting with the progesterone, but I had no idea I was going to have a period the likes of a teenager! (Unfortunately, I have always had horrible periods; the kind where I wanted to stay in bed because I was in so much pain. In my past, I also had a heavy flow; I always had to use tampons and pads). The symptoms were all there; sore breasts, super emotional (crying at commercials), irrational, spotting, cramps, etc.

After researching about it more in depth, apparently having a period is not uncommon after starting progesterone.  Yikes! Really?  I thought I was done. The bright side of all this is that my night sweats have subsided for now. I’m going to try this course of therapy for awhile and see where it takes me.  Right now my conclusion is; I’d rather have a period than the hot flashes and the night sweats that I had been experiencing.

Like I’ve said before, menopause is a journey.  What works for one, might not work for another.  Trial and error is how this is going to play out.  I seriously don’t let this get me down, I think of it as a game, and I love playing games. I just hate losing.  Every day is going to be different and we need to understand that.  Please feel free to seek out your doctors recommendations.  Your OB/GYN specializes in this area and they are here to help us.

After doing some research on panty liners, here are some other uses for them:  Boob sweat (place inside bra under the breast), underarm sweat (place on inside of blouse or shirt under the arm) and stinky shoe sweat (place right inside the shoe, it’s supposed to keep your shoe from stinking).  Maybe they stick in these places better.

Be kind to yourself,


Here are some pictures that made me laugh! The sad part is these women had no idea that this is what was going on with their panty liners!