Accepting the Change


The idea for this website came to me while I was a pharmaceutical representative selling a product that treats menopause.  While I would wait in offices to see the doctor, I would often strike up conversations with patients sitting in the waiting room.  After speaking with them, I realized that many of them didn’t realize that a lot of their symptoms were because of menopause. The most common symptom, hot flashes, everyone seemed to know about.  I was surprised that they didn’t know about any of the others.

In this blog, I will share with you the things I have learned from reading, studying and speaking with physicians and other healthcare providers about menopause.  I hope to educate you, and give you some ways to help you with your symptoms.   

I also want to  make you laugh. The categories include: What is menopause, symptoms of menopause, managing symptoms in menopause, natural treatments for menopause, and prescription medications for menopause. 

I also have a category for Manopause.  Men go through lots of changes too, and I think it’s important for both sexes to understand what the other is dealing with.  I hope it stimulates some important conversations with your loved ones.

Additionally, I will be blogging about different topics regarding changes we go through as we get older.  I will be completely honest with my feelings. Good or bad. My hope is that we can be sympathetic towards each other and not place judgement. Life is hard enough.  We need to be kind, and honest with what we go through. 

Thank you for visiting my site!  I hope you enjoy!  Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, and please don’t forget to sign up for my blog.