Managing Symptoms in Menopause


Hot flashes/Night sweats

  1. Wear cotton clothing or wicking fabrics – Dress in layers. Wear lightweight breathable clothing.
  2. Limit hot drinks – Cut down on caffeine too! It can increase the heart rate.
  3. Limit alcohol –Wine seems to be the worst at increasing hot flashes due to epinephrine release.
  4. Eat cooling foods – Avoid hot, spicy food, it causes core body temp to go up.
  5. Stay indoors on hot days – Being out in the heat and having a hot flash is double trouble.
  6. Use natural remedies – Evening primrose oil capsules, Soy foods, flaxseed, dong quai, black cohosh, etc.
  7. Breathable fabrics for sheets and pajamas – They actually have cooling bed sheets now!
  8. Exercise – Yoga, walking, hiking, swimming, weight training, etc. are good for our bodies.
  9. Put hair up – Something as simple as putting your hair up off your neck can help immensely.
  10. Put a fan in your room – A fan will keep air circulating.  Don’t point a fan at you though, it could make you sick.  You’re blowing allergens straight into your face!

All others

  1. Quit smoking – Smoking can cause infertility, difficult periods, early menopause and can damage your skin (wrinkles) and put you at a higher risk for heart disease.
  2. Healthy relationships – Get toxic people out of your life. You don’t need the stress
  3. Social support – Friends, physician, this website, family members, spouse etc.
  4. Relaxation – It’s okay to relax. Read a book.  Naps are good too!
  5. Eat healthy foods – Include healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, high fiber, water, quality protein.
  6. Reduce stress  – I know this is easier said than done, but there are many ways to reduce stress.
  7. Breathe slowly and fully – We tend to breathe faster and shallower when we get older.
  8. Meditation/Mindfulness/Prayer – You can listen to meditation tapes or do your own meditation, or spend time in prayer.
  9. Sleep – Try and make your room your oasis. Quiet, cool and comfortable.